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All Posts, P&S History

On This Day In History: The murder of Elizabeth Ridgley

On this day 100 years ago, The murder of Elizabeth Ridgley occurred.
Criminologist and historian Paul Stickler describes the incredible circumstances surrounding the murder of Elizabeth Ridgley in Hitchin, Hertfordshire in 1919 in his newly released title The Murder that Defeated Whitechapel’s Sherlock Holmes.

We have a fascinating guest post from author Paul Stickler, offering an insight into the gruesome events that took place. You can read it here.

Take a look at these great reviews!

  • “The storytelling is very effective and the commentary thoughtful, bringing up important questions and setting the crime in the context of Britain in 1919” Rosemarie Cawkwell

  • “Stickler’s professional experience results in a book where you feel he has really attempted to get under the skin of the investigating police – to see what they saw, to analyse the evidence, and to point the reader in the right direction” Criminal Historian
  • “He has written a very clever narrative which draws the reader into the investigation and which makes this a very readable book, indeed” Amazon Customer

Get your copy of the book here and discover the events that took place 100 years ago today.