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All Posts, P&S History, True Crime

World Book Day – Dick Kirby

In this post Dick Kirby tells us all about his latest release – Killers, Kidnappers, Gangsters and Grasses.

What inspired you to write it?

Because this is my 25th and final book, I wanted to give the reader an insight into what effective policing was like in the golden age of the Metropolitan Police, as opposed to now – when it is not.

What interesting facts have you uncovered during your research?

None – I was already aware of them.

What was the hardest part about writing this book?

I have never experienced difficulties writing any book; it’s always been a pleasure.

Is there a unique angle to this book and if so, what is it?

It shows the acute disparity between ineffective, politically correct policing nowadays, as opposed to 50 years ago, when the police had the trust of the public and took a hard, no-nonsense line with criminals.

What has researching this book taught you?

The need for accuracy – but I knew that already.

What part of the book are you most proud of?

The fact that it brings home to the reader that there is no need for a university degree to become an efficient police officer.  That direct entries for the rank of superintendent and also detectives are a farce and that what is needed is a good standard of education, common sense, discipline and physical fitness.  But what is also a necessity is strong, experienced leadership and efficient training; something that’s sadly deficient in today’s police.

Order your copy here.