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Enrique García-Torralba Pérez is the leading expert on Spanish warship design in the age of sail, having dedicated the last fifteen years to research in this field. His first work La artillería naval española del siglo XVIII was completed in 2009 and was followed by Las fragatas de vela de la  Armada española, 1600–1860 in 2011. In 2016 he published Navíos de la Real Armada, 1700–1860 and in 2019 completed the coverage of Spanish warships in that period with Buques menores y fuerzas sutiles españolas, 1700–1850. He has also written many articles on the subject in specialist magazines, and has received the Premio del Mar awarded by the Spanish Navy on three occasions. His latest book is Filipinas y el Pacífico. La construcción naval, la navegación y la metalurgia, 1575–1850.