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Ilana D. Miller is an Adjunct Professor of American History at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, as well as the Senior Editor of the European Royal History Journal. Her publishing credits include Reports from America: William Howard Russell and the American Civil War, TheFour Graces: Queen Victoria’s Hessian Granddaughters. She has co-authored with Arturo Beéche: Royal Gatherings I & IIThe Grand Dukes, Volume IThe Grand Ducal House of Hesse and lastly, Recollections: Victoria Marchioness of Milford Haven Formerly Princess Louis of Battenberg annotated and expanded by Mr Beéche and Ms Miller. She has authored several scholarly articles in historical magazines and journals as well as historical fiction. She is currently working on a biography of Princess Victoria Battenberg and with Mr Beéche she is working on the fourth book, Royal Gatherings III: 1940-1972. She lives in Los Angeles.