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Book Signing

14th October 2013

Tony ChapmanTony Chapman, the author of latest release The War of the Motor Gun Boats, attended the Appledore book festival to launch his latest release. He attended the festival on the 6th October, which was also his 89th birthday.

Aged 16 he watched with horror as the historic High Street of Southampton burnt to the ground in a firestorm caused by a heavy German bombing raid on the night of 30 November 1940. He vowed to join up and fight back. Tony joined the Navy.

Within hours of being posted to his first Motor Gun Boat, Telegraphist Tony was involved in an epic Coastal Forces engagement when his flotilla took on a force of thirty E-boats. Although their unit of two MGBs sank three E-Boats, it was at a high cost. Half of Tony’s shipmates were killed or injured. This was the start of an eventful and dramatic wartime service with these little warships.

War of the Motor Gun Boats fills an important gap in the literature of the Second World War.

The War of the Motor Gun Boats

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