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Assyrians in Yonkers (Paperback)

Reminiscences of a Community

P&S History > Humanities > Biography & Memoirs

Imprint: Gorgias Press
Pages: 277
ISBN: 9781593337452
Published: 28th March 2008
Casemate UK Academic

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This book is Dr. Ameer’s reflection on growing up within the small community of Assyrian Christians in Yonkers, New York. He uses the year 1946 as an orientation for his discussion of that ethnic community, city, and time in history. The book enables readers to reflect on those aspects of community critical to civic support and on the process of successful assimilation in mid-twentieth century America. The author describes the experience of living in an ethnically, religiously, and racially diverse society. This will be of particular interest to people concerned with sustaining the idea of community in American life.

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