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Traditional Theism & its Modern Alternatives (Paperback)

Imprint: Aarhus University Press
Series: Acta Jutlandica Series
Pages: 240
ISBN: 9788772884820
Published: 19th November 1994
Casemate UK Academic



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This collection of papers is from the Ninth European Conference on the Philosophy of Religion held at the University of Aarhus, Denmark in August 1992. The theme of the conference was theism and its modern alternatives. Why alternatives? There is no agreement on the answer to that question. Before outlining the nature of the disagreements, there is a need to distinguish theism, where it means some belief in God, and theism as a certain kind of philosophical response to that belief. If theism is to be spoken of in both contexts, the following question arises -- is philosophical theism an adequate response to religious theism?

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